![]() ![]() ![]() Notes for a Liberated Computer Language Version 2.1, August 2006 Authors: Alexander R. Galloway, Eugene Thacker Data Types Operators Control Structures Functions ![]() Data TypesCreature An entity that is not readable, writable, or executable but that exists. Doubt An entity that questions its own status as an entity, which it may or may not actually be (see also Denial and Refusal). Empty A null entity lacking any and all material or immaterial distinction. The empty type allows for dynamic creation of new, unimagined types at runtime. Flip An entity that oscillates between two other data types. Flaw A fault or imperfection associated with another entity. Full Contains the complete universe of all information and matter. Gateway An associative entity connecting two or more other entities. Glossolalia An entity that is readable, writable, or executable only on a hypothetical machine. Incontinent An entity that involuntary expresses itself as any other data type. Infinity An entity that is unbounded in quality and magnitude. Palimpsest An entity that contains the traces of a previous entity. Poltergeist An entity whose sole function is to invoke another entity. Putrefaction An entity that only produces its data when deleted. Qualitative An entity the contents of which are not numerical in value. Random Expresses a random entity from a random type. Topology An arrangement of interrelated, constituent parts. Unknown An entity that can not be specified, identified, or evaluated in any intelligible way. Vector A compound type representing intensity and direction, consisting of an origin type and a destination type. Whatever An entity that always matters. It is not defined as being part of any set (including the set of "whatevers"), and cannot be identified through reference to either the particular or the general. Zombie A process that is inactive, but cannot be killed. ![]() Read in Turkish translation. |